Art. PE030397

€ 140.01

Outer tube

ProfileLemon 2a - 48x57.5 mm
Length3000 mm

Outer tube


Category for external tube2a - W2300 (W210) - W220 - WII - W2400
Insertable on the internal tube30393 - Profile 1b
Tube height57.5 mm
Tube width48 mm
Tube thickness4 mm
Length3000 mm
net weight13.12 kg

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Description: ATTENTION : - To identify Walterscheid cardan shafts see attached pdf.…


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Yoke for external tube
PE030387Yoke for external tube
Cross32x76 mm
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Cross32x76 mm
CategoryLemon W2400 - 1b - 2a
Profile1"3/8 - Z.6
net weight4.28 kg
€ 114.56

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