Art. PE030392

€ 99.23

Inner tube

ProfileLemon 0v - 34.5x40 mm
Length3000 mm

Inner tube


Category for internal tube0v - W2100 (W100) - W2200 (W200) - WI - W2300 (W210)
Insertable on the external tube30396 - Profile 1
Tube height40 mm
Tube width34.5 mm
Tube thickness4 mm
Length3000 mm
net weight9.3 kg

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Description: ATTENTION : - To identify Walterscheid cardan shafts see attached pdf.…


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Articulation with push button
PE030359Articulation with push button
Category for internal tubeW2200 - 0v - 34.5x40 mm
Cross23.8x61.2 mm
CategoryLemon W2200 - 0v - 1
Profile1"3/8 - Z.6
net weight1.97 kg
€ 62.40
Articulation with push button
PE030360Articulation with push button
Category for internal tube0v - W2300 - 34.5x40 mm
Cross27x74.6 mm
CategoryLemon W2300 - 0v - 1
Profile1"3/8 - Z.6
Tube dimensionsLemon - 34.5x40 mm
net weight2.97 kg
€ 84.24
Yoke for internal tube
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Cross22x54.8 mm
Tube height40 mm
Tube width34.5 mm
Tube thickness4 mm
ProfileLemon 0v - 34.5x40 mm
net weight0.61 kg
€ 25.81
Yoke for internal tube
PE030375Yoke for internal tube
Cross23.8x61.2 mm
Tube height40 mm
Tube width34.5 mm
Tube thickness4 mm
ProfileLemon 0v - 34.5x40 mm
net weight0.8 kg
€ 29.04
Yoke for internal tube
PE030376Yoke for internal tube
Cross27x74.6 mm
Tube height40 mm
Tube width34.5 mm
Tube thickness4 mm
ProfileLemon 0v - 34.5x40 mm
net weight1 kg
€ 27.52
Articulation with push button
PE030548Articulation with push button
Category for internal tube0v - W2100 - 34.5x40 mm
Cross22x54.8 mm
CategoryLemon W2100 - 0v - 1
Profile1"3/8 - Z.6
net weight1.25 kg
€ 55.66
Articulation with PULL COLLAR
PE031513Articulation with PULL COLLAR
Category for internal tube0v - W2100 - 34.5x40 mm
Cross22x54.8 mm
CategoryLemon W2100 - 0v - 1
Profile1"3/8 - Z.6
net weight2.008 kg
€ 67.75
Articulation with PULL COLLAR
PE031515Articulation with PULL COLLAR
Category for internal tubeW2200 - 0v - 34.5x40 mm
Cross23.8x61.2 mm
CategoryLemon W2200 - 0v - 1
Profile1"3/8 - Z.6
net weight2.339 kg
€ 71.70
Articulation with PULL COLLAR
PE031517Articulation with PULL COLLAR
Category for internal tube0v - W2300 - 34.5x40 mm
Cross27x74.6 mm
CategoryLemon W2300 - 0v - 1
Profile1"3/8 - Z.6
net weight3.204 kg
€ 90.98

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