Characteristics: Multi-seasonal concentrated liquid for radiators, YELLOW color, with protective, anti-freeze and …Multi-seasonal concentrated liquid for radiators, YELLOW color, with protective, anti-freeze and anti-boiling action. It can also be used for topping up, and can be mixed with other coolants of different colors. Protective radiators based on Alusil 312, inhibitor package containing silicone silicate. It opposes the corrosive action of the water present in the cooling circuit, guaranteeing the protection of the aluminum present in the different parts of the engine, preserving it from corrosion, cavitation and in general from dissolution. At the ideal concentration (51%), it protects from freezing down to -39 ° C and in the radiator the boiling temperature, in operating conditions, can reach + 125 ° C. It prevents the formation of rust and encrustations even in the presence of very hard water, protecting the radiator over time.